Nikita Slater
The Ultimate Motorcycle Club Steamy Bundle
The Ultimate Motorcycle Club Steamy Bundle
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“Where are we?” I ask as we remove our helmets. There’s a log-hewn cabin sitting in a small, cleared yard. We’re surrounded by trees, and I hear a river gurgling not far from here.
“My place,” he says, catching my hand and leading me forward.
“You have a place?”
He sounds amused. “You didn’t think I lived at the clubhouse full-time, did you?”
It’s exactly what I thought. “Guess I did, since you were always there.”
He laughs lightly. “I was always there because you were always there.” He sounds like a different man as he opens the door to his cabin. “I was gonna bring you out here as soon as it was safe.”
He holds the door and motions for me to go in first, then flicks on a light switch, and a few muted overhead lights cast the room in a warm glow.
I lose my breath when I look around. It’s one big room, the kitchen facing toward the river, a living room sitting in between it and a king-sized bed.
“What do you think?” he asks as if his whole world hinges on my answer.
I take a few steps forward, my face tilted to stare at the overhead beams. “It’s beautiful.”
“Not done yet.” There’s pride in his voice. “But it’s finished enough that we can live in it.”
I smile. I love that he said, we. “Thank you.”
He’s behind me, folding his arms around my waist, his chin sitting on the top of my head. “I should be thankin’ you, Jess. I wanna share it with you.”
I smile. “Same, Rocky.” For some reason I feel shy. I walk through the big room discovering things along the way, like how smooth the wood floors are, how the beams fold seamlessly into the framing. There are huge windows, but no curtains. Out here, who needs them?
“Know what’s best?” he says from where I left him.
I turn and see a vulnerability in him I’ve never seen before. “What?”
“There’s been no other woman here. No one I’ve shared the bed with. No one I’ve watched the sunset with.”
I suck in a breath and feel hot tears sting my eyes. Choke on words I don’t know how to say.
“No one I’ve ever wanted here until I met you.” He walks up to me, takes my hand, and kisses my knuckles. “First time we met, when we were in your Merc, you were so pissed at us for taking over, I imagined you here with me. Fucking, of course.” He grins. “But also sittin’ on the deck, drinking beer, eating barbecue. Showering together.”
“I never thought…” I stop. “I just…” Tears are coming on again, and I sniffle.
“Hey,” he says as he swipes the hair off my face. “It’s early days, I know, but we were made for each other. I can’t see my future without you in it.”
“Same,” I croak. I resolve not to think about what happened tonight, tell myself I can let it go. I have to let it go. And Rocky bringing me here already makes a big difference. I finally have some firsts with Rocky.
He takes my hand and walks me to the bathroom. Everything’s gleaming and new. There’s a big bathtub, and I stare at it, wanting to soak in it. Wash all my emotions away.
Continue reading The Ultimate Motorcycle Club Steamy Bundle if you like:
✔️ Mafia Romance
✔️ Forbidden Romance
✔️ Billionaires
✔️ Suspense
✔️ So Much More!
What readers are saying:
"There are two things you can count on that Nikita will provide without fail, an amazingly awesome plot driven story and a FLAWLESSLY written story!" ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ~Expresso
“I literally could not put these books down for even a moment!!” ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ~Stephanie
“These books deserves 5 starts across the board. The characters were amazing, the sex was effin hot, the female lead was fragile but strong, and the Alpha was all things bad n' juicy!” ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ~Reviewer
All the things my dad told me about keeping myself safe go right out of my head when I see the three men.
Holy crap! is my first thought.
They’re dead men walking under the heat of the Nevada sun in August on a deserted road, in the middle of the desert, no shirts, no shoes. I don’t immediately realize what they’re about until I’m almost on them and see the shape they’re in - beat up, bloody, one is being supported by the other two, practically dragged as the three men stagger down the road.
I rip by them in my new-to-me 2011 Mercedes SUV and then brake hard and skid to a stop a couple of hundred yards past. I flip into reverse and twist my body as I gun the gas, keeping my eyes on the road behind as I haul ass backwards.
Nothing’s in my thoughts but picking up these guys who’ll die if I don’t help them. I don’t ask myself what they’re doing out in the middle of nowhere. Don’t think about why they’re half-naked. Don’t think of any of the dangerous possibilities. Nope. Once I’m within 20 feet of them, I throw the car in park, flip open the door and jump from the vehicle, racing back to the men who are staggering towards me.
“Oh, my fucking god,” I shriek as I wrap my hands around the waist of one of the men and help him support the guy they’re dragging. “Are you guys okay? What happened? It’s okay. I’m here now. Thank god I was on this road.” I know I’m babbling, not really making a ton of sense. The adrenalin is making me stupid. They’re not really talking at all, but they don’t refuse my help.
Of course, they don’t.
When we reach my car, I yank open the back door and hold it as they load their barely conscious buddy inside, who’s huge. I mean he’s got to be at least 6’6” tall and seriously bulked up. The second man, tall, tattoos and piercings everywhere, dirty blond hair, and brown eyes, circles my car and crawls into the other side.
As I slam the door shut, I turn to face the last man who’s still standing on pavement so hot it has to be burning his bare feet.
“I’m driving,” he rasps as he tries to move me out of the way with his hands to my arms. It’s a weak grip from an otherwise strong man if the holy-hell biceps he has are any indication.
“Like hell you are.” I easily pull out of his grasp by taking a couple of steps back. I look way up past his bruised and bloody bare chest to see his dull brown eyes. Damn, the guy’s tall. I can’t really see his face through the messy beard, the mass of bruises and an eye that’s swollen shut. “You can barely stand. Get in the passenger seat so we can get out of here.”
I hold my ground as he hesitates, then he runs his fingers through his shaggy blood-matted hair before stepping back and moving around the vehicle, getting in the passenger side.
“Trigger, how’s Red doing?” he asks as he settles in. His eyes wash over me when I climb into the driver’s seat and slam the door, turning the AC on high.
“Looks like a fuckin’ lobster, Rocky.”
I glance at Trigger in the rear-view mirror as I move the seat forward to give Red some more space, then shove the SUV into drive. “There are some water bottles in the back. Grab them and hydrate.”
Trigger gropes around behind the seat and comes up with the water, handing two bottles off to Rocky, then guzzles a full one down before uncapping another and forcing it down Red’s throat.
Rocky takes a long swallow of the water, pauses, then another, emptying most of the bottle. “What’s your name, darlin’?”
“Jess.” I concentrate on my driving. Now that my adrenalin is subsiding, fear’s starting to grow in the pit of my stomach. These men are calling each other by nicknames, not real names. Tatted up like crazy, long hair and beards. I get a chill. “Are you MC?”
Rocky grunts. “Yeah. Not going to hurt you.”
“Wouldn’t have stopped to help if I thought you were.” Bluster is better than blubbering. That’s what my pop always says.
Rocky sees the anxiety on my face, hears the quiver in my voice. “Don’t know why you stopped, but you shouldn’t have. Three fucks out in the middle of the desert like that, nothin’ but bad news.”
His words make me forgot my fear. “You’re welcome, asshole.”
He chuckles, then coughs and grabs his ribs. “You got a phone?”
I glance at him. No point in lying, who doesn’t have a phone these days? “Yeah. In my bag, behind the back seat next to the water.” I check the rear-view mirror and catch Trigger’s eyes in the reflection. They’re guarded as he heaves my pack over the seat and onto his lap.
“What club?” The fear I was feeling before is turning into full-blown panic as I hear the slide of the zipper on my pack.
“Are we alive?” Red mumbles from the back seat. “I’m fuckin’ thirsty.”
At the same time, Rocky says to me, “Why you wanna know?”
Trigger shoves another water bottle into Red’s hands as he rifles through the pack.
I see his reflection in the mirror, pulling out my clothes, my underwear, and a small makeup bag. “Pretty little panties.” He holds up a black lace thong and waves it in front of Red’s face with a smirk.
I flush as I glance over at Rocky. “The phone’s in the front of the bag. Stay the hell out of the rest of my stuff.”
Rocky chuckles as he holds his ribs. “I already said we aren’t gonna hurt you. Relax, baby.” He sees through my bravado, but it’s what I do when I get tense – push back, fight back. Do what I need to do to get out of the shit that the universe is so fond of throwing me in. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“Ain’t gonna,” Rocky says as he takes the phone from Trigger’s proffered hand.
I grit my teeth. “Why not?”
“Passcode,” he grunts.
It’s an old phone, no face recognition, so I take my right hand off the steering wheel and shove my arm across the console, thumb up like I’m hitching a ride. Rocky circles my wrist with his fingers and guides my thumb to the pad. His hands are rough, calloused, big, and vulnerability rips through me at the strength in them.
I tug out of his grip as he flips open the keypad and taps out a number. “Where you headin’, doll?” He asks as he waits for the pickup.
“The name’s Jess, not doll.” I keep my eyes focused forward on the road and clamp my lips tight. He doesn’t need to be in my business.
“Hey, Prez,” he says into the phone. “Just a sec.” He turns to me. “Where you headin’, Jess?”
I glance over at him briefly as I suck in a shallow breath. His dark brown eyes impale me and I fold like a pair of deuces. “Reno. Got some visiting to do.”
“Uh huh.” He turns his attention back to the phone. “Hey Prez, ran into some problems with the pick-up. Lost everything.” He pauses. “Yep, on our way now.”
I feel the need to interrupt. “How about you tell your prez to meet you at Harrah’s. I’ll drop you off there and he and the rest of your boys can come pick you up.”
Rocky flashes me a look of irritation. “How ‘bout you quit interruptin’ while I’m talkin’ on the phone.”
I tuck my lower lip between my teeth and take a small bite. Ice sweeps up my spine, dotting my skin with goose bumps. This isn’t going to have a happy ending no matter what the MC asshole in the seat next to me promises.
He’s back talking on the phone. “Asswipes got our bikes, wallets, cuts. The cash. Fucked us up good. Red’s the worst.” He’s quiet for a minute. “Yeah, a sweet little Samaritan stopped to pick us up.”
While he listens to his prez, he glances over at me. I meet his eyes with a dead-fish stare. I hope I’m conveying the fury and betrayal I’m feeling. Then he says into the phone, “Yeah, gotcha. Just a sec.” He moves the phone from his ear, looking down at it, then presses the map app before saying into the phone, “An hour or so out.” Pauses again, then, “Yeah, I’ll sort it out. Jess here said she’s happy to drive us right to our doorstep.” He’s staring at me as he speaks, but I refuse to acknowledge him. He grunts a “bye” into the phone and hangs up.
“Fucker,” I snarl without thinking of the consequences.
Rocky reaches across the space and runs his fingers over the back of my neck. “Watch your words, babe. If I say I’m not gonna hurt you, then I’m not gonna hurt you, but I ain’t about to be disrespected by a mouthy bitch like you.” He gives my neck a warning squeeze, just enough to make me wince, then brings his hand back to my phone. “Who do you know in Reno?”
I’m pissed at his aggression and feel the burn in my eyes, but I’m not going to cry in front of this bastard. “None of your business and if you call me a bitch again, I’ll drive this car into the first concrete wall I see.”
He’s checking my contact list, running through the few I have. “Tell you what, Jess,” he says, not looking up. “You stop callin’ me a fucker and I’ll stop calling you a bitch.”
I rub the top of my teeth with my tongue, trying to get my wild emotions under control. “What are you doing with my phone?”
“Lookin’ for your Reno contacts. Don’t seem to be any.” He turns towards me, his eyes stroking over me with too much interest. “Wanna tell me what you’re really doin’?”
I return his glance. Yeah, I don’t have Reno contacts because it’s safer to keep the information in my head. “None of your business. We have nothing to do with each other. I’m helping you out, taking you where you need to go and that’s the end of it.”
“Not the end of it, babe. Convenient of you to show up on a deserted road just in time to offer the three of us a ride. Hard to believe a little babe like you would have the stones to pull over.”
“I know, right? ‘cause I’m just a girl so how could I possibly be brave enough to want to help out three guys who were gonna die if I didn’t.”
He laughs, grabs at his ribs as he coughs, then takes another swig of water. “If you tell me your business in Reno, we could end this fuckin’ conversation.”
My lips thin. “We could end this conversation by you shutting the fuck up.” Yep, that’s me. My brain has trouble catching up with my mouth.
He shoots me a glare that would have knocked me on my ass if I were standing, then glances behind him. “How you doin’, Red?”
Red groans, “Got seriously scorched, man. I’m too fuckin’ fair to be out in the sun that long.”
I can’t help but agree as I listen to the men exchange words. Red is… well, Red is red, from the tips of his hair to his beard, to the hair on his chest. And being out in the sun, his skin is no longer the pale shade of pink that gingers like him usually have. It’s a dangerous shade of red that suggests his sunburn is going to hurt like hell for more than a day. He needs a doctor.
“Good enough to sit up front, yeah?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Trig, you good to drive?”
Trigger nods as my stomach tumbles to my toes.
Rocky’s next words pretty much seal the deal. “Pull over to the side of the road, Jess. Time for us to switch drivers.”
My guts twist as I press the gas pedal harder, but Rocky’s fingers are at the back of my neck again, this time squeezing hard enough to bruise.
“Stop it!” I try to jerk out of his grip and the car swerves a little.
“Pull over, baby. Now.” His voice is so hard it could crack walnuts.
I think of all the things I could do, but none will have a happy outcome for me. Even the concrete wall was an empty threat because I’m not ready to call it a life. I decide I have to take the chance that these guys will let me go once they get to where they need to be. I brake hard and skid over to the side of the road, jerking the car into park.
Rocky gives my neck one last squeeze, then leans over and unbuckles my seatbelt. He grips my upper arms before I can grab the door handle and twists me around, then shoves me at Trigger, who catches me and hauls me towards him.
“Ow!” I yell as my butt hits the steering wheel and my knee slams into the console, then I’m in the back seat, squashed between Trigger and Red.
“Sorry babe,” Rocky says as I grimace and rub my knee. The smirk on his face tells me he’s not really sorry. He flips open his door and gets out, then opens Trigger’s. “Out. Me and the princess are going to sit back here and get better acquainted.”
Trigger slides out and Rocky slides in. I press myself up against Red who yelps. I don’t give a flying leap about Red’s distress as Rocky looms over me. “You touch me and I’ll shove your balls up into your throat.”
Rocky laughs. “Babe, I like that you don’t cry, but also like for you to keep your mouth shut right now.” To Red he says, “You better get up front so she isn’t leanin’ up against the sunburn.”
Red stumbles out of the car and around to the passenger seat. I try to move over, but Rocky grabs me, his arm snaking around my neck, holding me in place. He smells like sweat, but oddly it’s not unappealing. “Stay here baby, nice and close.” I freeze as my heart leaps into my throat. “I’ll stay. You can take your hands off me.”
He ignores me as Trigger shifts the Merc into gear and spins the tires as he pulls back onto the road. “Straight through to the clubhouse, Trig.”
“Please.” I say, disgusted at the fear leaking into my voice. “Just let me out somewhere and go. Take my car.”
“Sorry, babe. Can’t do that. How many times do I gotta say we’re not gonna hurt you? Unless you’re part of this.”
I shake my head. “I’m not part of whatever this is, not part of anything. I promise.” I’m quaking inside. I have my own stuff to deal with and I don’t need another horror show. I bite my lower lip to keep the tears inside from spilling over.
Trigger’s voice floats from the front. “Maybe we should cover her eyes. Until we know we can trust her, she don’t need to know where we’re going.”
“Yeah,” Rocky agrees.
“No,” I protest with a sinking heart as Rocky grabs my bag out from behind the seat. I reach for it and he swats my hand away.
“Stay still!” he snarls, his tone pointed enough to stop me.
He pulls out my pink tank and rips it.
I have three shirts with me, the tank I’m wearing and the two in my bag. “Goddammit. Quit destroying my stuff. It’s not like I’ve got a Kardashian wardrobe back there.”
Rocky chuckles. “I’ll buy you a new T-shirt, babe. Hell, you can have one of the club’s.”
Trigger snorts his laughter. “Property T-shirt, Rocky?”
“Fuck that,” Rocky retorts as he yanks my wrists behind my back and wraps a strip of the T-shirt around them, then knots it. “Not a fucking chance in hell.”
The familiar hurt filters through me. I hate that the prick has his hands all over me, but at the same time, hate his rejection. Of course, I keep that thought to myself. “You don’t need to tie me up.”
“You’re hostile, princess. And if you don’t shut up, I’ll gag you too.”
He pulls a makeshift blindfold over my eyes, ties it tightly, then he twists me around, shoving my head down onto his lap and scooping my feet onto the seat. “Get comfortable. We’ve got at least an hour ahead of us.”
It’s too much, my hands tied, my eyes blindfolded. I suppress the urge to scream, yell, kick, which is what I normally do. Instead, I suck in a huge gulp of air and force myself to stop struggling. Tears threaten again and it pisses me off. I hardly ever cry, even when I’m sad or hurt, but this shit is on a whole other level.
Something lands on me. My bag, Rocky fumbling with it. “Leave my stuff alone.” Please, please, leave my stuff alone.
He ignores me. More shuffling. “Jessica Walker. Five feet, four inches. Blond hair, blue eyes. Huh. Barely 24. From Ellicott City, Maryland.” He pauses, then, “You’re a long way from home.”
I press my lips together and he laughs.
“Whatcha doin’ all the way out here, baby girl?”
“Road trip,” I mumble.
“Having a little trouble buying that. New Mexico plates on your Benz or does it belong to someone else? Steal it?” He’s still shuffling through my bag and some of my clothes land on my legs.
I suck in a breath at his implication. Not that he’d give a damn if it was stolen, but he probably doesn’t want to be pulled over for vehicle theft. Not while he’s hurt and sunburnt. “It’s mine,” I reassure him. “Bought it in Santa Fe.”
“Got a bill of sale?” His hands are on my head, teasing my hair.
My anger grows. He’s questioning my integrity. I forget about my vow to play nice, don’t stop to think that he doesn’t know me or my integrity. “Check the fucking registration. It’s in the glove box.” I shift my head to knock his hand off, kick at the door as if that will make a difference. All it serves to do is make him grab more of my hair in his fist, pulling.
“Ouch! Stop touching me!”
“Say please, baby girl.”
Asswipe! I hate how helpless I am, hands tied, head on the biker’s lap. He’s big, tall, tatted and his thighs are solid as a rock. His lap, his cock, half-hard, is pressing into my cheek. Big, like the rest of him, and I know he isn’t fully erect. Any other time, any other place and I’d be intrigued.
I temper my anger and decide I can play the helpless girl if it will get him to back off. “Can you stop, please,” I say quietly. “Please.”
He exhales a soft breath and then moves his hand from my hair to my shoulder, giving it a small squeeze before travelling down to the curve of my waist. He lingers there, letting his palm rest against my bare skin, warm, rough, sending a trail of shivers up my spine, ending at my nipples. They harden and it fucks with me. Yeah, he’s the hot, sexy badass biker of my fantasies, but fantasies are bullshit. Men are bastards, MC men are the worst and I know I’m going to get fucked over good.
✔️ Rocky
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⚠️ WARNING: This series contains books that you can't put down.
Nikita Slater is a USA Today Bestselling Author who writes dark romance, mafia romance, and post-apocalyptic dystopian romance.
Living on the Canadian prairies with her son and dog, she combines her passion for storytelling with advocacy for equal rights and promoting literacy.
🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 5/5 Peppers – Extra Spicy 🔥
Intense, bold, and unfiltered. These romances feature frequent, explicit, and highly detailed love scenes with no fade-to-black moments.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 6,033+ 5-Star Reviews Across All Retailers
"There are two things you can count on that Nikita will provide without fail, an amazingly awesome plot driven story and a FLAWLESSLY written story!" ~Expresso
“This is the first time I've had the pleasure of reading this author but it will not be the last! This book is beyond amazing. The feels I experienced while reading this... just wow! I literally could not put this book down for even a moment.” ~Stephanie
“I love the story of two broken souls struggling through life yet became closer while many buried dark secrets and hidden treasures unfolded. An intense and amazing read and I’m looking forward to reading the Queen’s Move.” ~Lin
“This books deserves 5 starts across the board. The characters were amazing, the sex was effin hot, the female lead was fragile but strong, and the Alpha was all things bad n' juicy!” ~Reviewer
“Wow. You can't put this book down once you get started. The way this was written had me hooked from the beginning. I'm so used to a book taking a couple of chapters to reel you in, but that was not the case. The characters were spot on. The twists and turns in this story were so good. And the ending was perfect.” ~Latisha
“I loved the characters, the storyline had a few twist that was surprisingly awesome and unpredictable!
It’s not awesome when a romance writer allow the heroine to not just shine but find her strength and own it!!!” ~Purita
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